Digital X-rays

More Accuracy With Digital X-rays

Charisma Dental uses digital X-rays to get a clear, defined picture of what is happening inside a patient’s mouth. This new technology helps us find problem areas faster and more accurately than ever before without a long waiting time for patients.

Digital X-rays Are More Convenient

One advantage of using digital X-rays is they are much faster than traditional X-ray film.

Patients don't have to sit as long waiting on results because the digital X-rays are sent directly to a computer for review without anything like film needing to be developed.

Safer than Traditional X-rays

Digital X-rays are safer than the old-fashioned film version because they reduce the amount of radiation to virtually nothing. Our staff is well-trained to use them so they can be done quickly and easily.

Fewer Problems

No one likes having cardboard and appliances in your mouth.

Digital X-rays limit all of that, allowing those with issues like gag reflex to safely get oral X-rays done without a lot of problems.

The procedure using digital X-rays is much faster than with film X-rays too.

We Can Show You

Digital X-rays are done with all new patients and once a year for regular patients. Make an appointment at Charisma Dental today and find out how this new tech makes dental appointments more convenient than ever!